CPA Programs

Course 3

Setting Goals and Measuring Chemical Footprints

Connect measurement & management by setting compelling goals, measuring footprints, and assessing progress.

The Chemical Footprint Project is a new initiative to measure and report on progress to safer chemicals use. The Chemical Footprint Project encompasses the metric of measuring chemical footprints as well as a Survey of overall chemicals management policies and practices. In this course you will learn what a chemical footprint is, how to calculate it, and the value of chemical footprints in setting goals and priorities and telling stories of progress and success.

At the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the value of measuring chemical footprints.
  • Use three approaches to collect data and calculate a chemical footprint.
  • Understand and participate in the Chemical Footprint Project’s survey questions about chemical footprinting.


  • Class 1 –Defining a chemical footprint: Learn how chemical footprint is defined, the various levels or scopes at which it can be calculated, the information needed and how to collect it, how it relates to organizational goal setting, and hear a few examples.
  • Class 2 – Calculating chemical footprints: Hear vignettes, stories and examples of how organizations have obtained management buy-in and approached the calculation of their chemical footprint. Practice calculating a chemical footprint through exercises.
  • Class 3 – Using chemical footprint information: Learn how to use chemical footprint data to set goals, prioritize action, and tell stories of successes.

Next course will be in 2020.  Stay tuned for new dates!